
Industrial Data Compromise – the New Business Risk

Today is the day that Tofino Security is announcing that I have joined their team.  I am very excited about this, particularly because I believe that industrial cyber security is the next major impactful technology to hit the automation industries.

I am also excited to be joining Eric and Joann Byres and their group; people I have high regard for, as I believe Tofino Security technology is poised to lead the way in protecting the critical infrastructure industries.

SCADA Security Solutions Scarce at SPS IPC Drives Show

I just returned from the massive SPS IPC Drives show in Nuremburg, Germany. This is a massive show - according to the SPS web site, there were 56,321 visitors! An industrial automation show of this size is something I haven’t seen in North America since the glory days of ISA in the 1980s. If you want to see the trends and new technologies in the automation world, this is a good place to start.

Stuxnet Lesson: Is SCADA/Control Field Device Firmware the Next Malware Target?

In the post-Stuxnet cyber security world, many vendors are actively thinking about protective measures that could prevent a similar attack on industrial systems.

Such measures could be implemented at the PC-level, the PLC-level, or even the Profibus or device-level. They could include methods such as antivirus-scanners, firewalls, patch management, password policies, USB usage policies, code integrity checkers, etc. However, all of these measures are ones that are implemented at the highest levels of an industrial system.

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