controls engineer

Sous-Vide Verdict from the SCADA Security Experts

It has been a year since Eric did his infamous sous-vide blog for techies and almost a year since I surprised him with the real thing. I thought I would give you a short update on our sous-vide adventures this year.

3rd Annual Controls Engineer Holiday Gift Suggestion

Last year Eric’s holiday gift suggestion got his culinary juices flowing with the idea of a sous-vide oven; or for the true controls engineer, the plans to build your own. He was pleasantly surprised a few weeks later, when a sous-vide oven arrived under the tree.

Is the Kindle a Good Gift for an Automation Engineer?

As the holidays approach I thought I should examine a key burning question – what makes a good gift for a controls engineer? Being an engineer myself, and a recent recipient of the latest Kindle 3G, I will examine the merits and drawbacks of the Kindle as a gift.

Merits of the Kindle for process automation engineers

Techy coolness factor

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