Securing OPC Communications to Triconex Safety Systems October 2010
Secure and reliable OPC Classic communications between Safety Integrated Systems (SIS) and primary control systems can now be realized using a defense-in-depth strategy that combines the Triconex® Tofino™ Firewall and the TriStation™ access control system.
This Application Note outlines how to secure OPC-based systems at multiple levels, including Denial of Service (DoS) prevention, protocol sanity checking, real-time TCP port management and OPC read-only controls.
Triconex Tofino Application Note* (3MB)
*This Application Note was written by Invensys Operation Management to describe the use of the Triconex Tofino Firewall with Triconex SIS products.
Related Links
Triconex Tofino Firewall Product Data Sheet (3,780kb)
Triconex Tofino Firewal Hub Page - includes links to Invensys and Byres Security materials about this product
OPC Hub Page - includes links to all Byres Security OPC materials, including White Papers