
Video: Testing and Activating Rules

The Tofino systems includes an innovative test mode, which allows the firewall rules to be tested before the security system is made operational.

Even for an existing network, security can be integrated with no disruption.

This movie demonstrates the test and operational modes of the Eagle 20 Tofino.

Creating Tofino Firewall Rules


Tofino technology enables firewall rules to be created using drag and drop.


No IT knowledge is required to configure security for a network.


This movie shows how to configure effective security with a few mouse clicks.


VideoTo watch this video in full screen















Tofino Device Discovery

To enable drag and drop Tofino configuration, and provide an accurate topology, end devices should be added to the Network View.

Devices can be added manually, or automatically using the Secure Asset Management LSM.

This movie demonstrates both techniques.


Video: Eagle Tofino Loadable Security Modules

The Eagle 20 Tofino functionality is provided by Loadable Security Modules (LSM).

The Tofino functionality is therefore tailored to the application.

This movie shows how the LSMs are loaded on to the Tofino hardware.

    Loadable Security Modules


Discovery of Eagle 20 Tofino Devices

Discovery is achieved using a proprietary scanning mechanism called Tofino Discovery on the Central Management Platform (CMP)

This movie shows how to discover Eagle 20 Tofino devices which are attached to the network.


    Discovery of Eagle 20 Tofino Devices


Cyber War - 60 Minutes


June 13, 2010 (18:02)


Cyber War


TV105: How does Tofino Protect my Plant?

TV105: How does Tofino Protect my Plant?



May 2012 (7:33)

Previous videos in this series have discussed how Defense in Depth can be an effective strategy to secure control networks. So how exactly does Tofino implement Defense in Depth? And what makes it the best solution?


TV104: Why Is Cyber Security Still a Problem in SCADA and Control Networks?

May 2012 (5:45)

IT engineers have been dealing successfully with cyber security issues for years, and there are many security products in daily use in enterprise networks. Why is cyber security such a challenge on control networks? Why can't the same tools and techniques be used to secure these systems?

TV103: Security Strategies that Work On the Plant Floor



May 2012 (6:11)

The previous video in this series showed that a firewall on the plant network could not protect us against many cyber security threats. But if that doesn't work, then what ARE we supposed to do to protect our plant?

