Port Numbers

Project SHINE: 1,000,000 Internet-Connected SCADA and ICS Systems and Counting

Eric Byres: One of the statements I continue to hear as I talk to executives, managers and engineers is "None of our SCADA or ICS equipment is accessible from the Internet." So this week’s blog contributor, Bob Radvanovsky, of www.infracritical.com, explains Project SHINE – his effort to determine if this statement is fact or fiction.

Shining a Light on a Big Problem

By Bob Radvanovsky

SCADA Security and Deep Packet Inspection – Part 2 of 2

Deep Packet Inspection (DPI) is important for the future of SCADA / ICS security - and in this article I explain why.  

DPI SCADA Security: Reviewing the Basics

In Part 1 of this series I explained DPI technology in detail. To review, the traditional IT firewall examines the TCP/IP and Ethernet headers in the network messages it sees. It then makes decisions whether to allow or block a message based on this limited information.

SCADA Security & Deep Packet Inspection – Part 1 of 2

I have talked repeatedly about something called Deep Packet Inspection (DPI) and why it is so important for SCADA / ICS security (for example, see Air Gaps Won’t Stop Stuxnet’s Children). The trouble is, I have never described what DPI actually is. So in today’s blog I will back up and explain what DPI firewall technology is all about.

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