
Stuxnet Mitigation Matrix Updated

Stuxnet Mitigation Matrix Updated
This is a short note to let you know that we have updated our Stuxnet Mitigation Matrix to version 1.1, based on feedback from our readers.
The new version addresses the need to test and/or confirm all mitigations, including firewalling the Remote Procedure Call (RPC) protocol.

Stuxnet Mitigation Matrix

Our goal with this blog is to provide you with practical information to help you avoid network incidents that disrupt operations.

With this in mind, today we are releasing a Stuxnet Mitigation Matrix that presents easy-to-follow actions to take against Stuxnet.

PDF Stuxnet Mitigation Matrix by Tofino Security is a printable version of the mitigation matrix that includes dynamic links to detailed information on each of the patches and mitigations.

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