I4: International Information Integrity Institute
Redmond, Washington, USA
March 14 - 16, 2011
Tofino Security Speaker:
Eric Byres, CTO
Date: Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Time: 10:35 am - 11:00 am
Session 7: Life after Stuxnet
Topic: The Way Ahead - What Does it Mean for Process Control Systems?
Eric Byres will be speaking on the topic: The Way Ahead - What Does it Mean for Process Control Systems?
Conference Overview
Since its launch in 1986, I-4 has consistently strived to be the world’s leading forum for senior information security professionals.
Many hold senior roles within large, global organizations across a diverse range of industries, with a common dependence upon IT along with sophisticated risk management and security operations. Others work as specialist practitioners.
All of our members are united by a willingness to share their extensive experience to make a valuable contribution to today’s security issues.
I4: International Information Integrity Institute