Analysis of the 3S CoDeSys Security Vulnerabilities for Industrial Control System Professionals

A number of previously unknown security vulnerabilities in the CoDeSys Ladder Logic Runtime product, plus fully functional attack tools that exploit them, have been publically disclosed.

While CoDeSys is not widely known in the SCADA and ICS field, its product is embedded in many popular PLCs and industrial controllers. There is a risk that criminals or political groups may attempt to exploit the vulnerabilities for either financial or ideological gain. 

This White Paper documents the current known facts about these vulnerabilities. It then summarizes the actions that operators of SCADA and ICS systems can take to protect critical operations.

CoDeSys is a trademark of 3S-Smart Software Solutions GmbH


Eric Byres, CTO and VP Engineering, Tofino Security, Belden Inc.
Joel Langill, CSO,

Version 1.1, released Nov 21, 2012:

  • clarifies who the affected vendors are

  • includes an analysis of Nessus plug-ins

Download the White Paper

White Paper - "Analysis of 3S CoDeSys Security Vulnerabilities for Industrial Control System Professionals"



Download this White Paper and find out:

  • What the 3S CoDeSys vulnerabilities are and what an attacker can do with them
  • How to find out what control/SCADA devices are affected
  • The risks and potential consequences to SCADA and control systems
  • The compensating controls that will help block known attack vectors

BONUS: You will also receive two Tofino Security Profiles that can be used to mitigate the CoDeSys vulnerability by permitting standard engineering functions but blocking malicious packets.